EU member states should prioritise public investment in education, healthcare, housing, family support and childcare, making…
Categoria: Sala de Leitura
A cor azul (Blue) simboliza imaginação e sonho, e daí pretender incentivar a criatividade das crianças através da prática da leitura criativa. Os benefícios da leitura para uma criança são diversos. Ler desenvolve a imaginação, aumenta a capacidade de argumentação e interpretação de textos e fatos, além de ampliar o vocabulário. A leitura é também um ótimo exercício para o cérebro: ativa a memória, melhora a capacidade de concentração, ajuda a manter o cérebro lúcido e estimula a criatividade.
Study on child participation in EU political and democratic life
The Commission published a study on child participation in EU political and democratic life. The study looks…
Audição da Criança – Guia de Boas Práticas
Um guia da autoria das psicólogas Rute Agulhas e Joana Alexandre que abordam a complexa problemática…
Report “Our Europe, Our Rights, Our Future” on 23 February 2021
The Report “Our Europe, Our Rights, Our Future” was launched on 23 February 2021. Five organizations…
Children’s Rights – Thematic Factsheet from ECHR, FEB.2021
The present factsheet sets out a number of examples of general and, where possible, individual measures…
New Guidelines: Protect children’s personal data in education setting
On 18-20 November 2020, the Committee of Convention 108 of Council of Europe adopted Guidelines on…
Shaping our Future Together Report: Survey Results #UN75
As COVID-19 forced children out of schools around the world, access to education emerges as one…
The Rights of Child Human Rights Defenders – implementation Guide
See Guide. In September 2018, the Committee on the Rights of the Child held its Day…
The UPR & Me: My Guide to Participate in the UPR
“The UPR Child-friendly guide aims at empowering children to use the Universal Periodic Review to speak…